Technology need
Summary of the technological need
A flexible material that can be used in clothing and apparel that retains its temperature for a minimum of 2 hours.
For the development of a new product we are looking for a material that can be kept at a certain temperature for minimum 1-2 hours. The minimum temperature range should be between 6°C and 25°C and preferably also useable in environments with high humidity. It needs to be safe, flexible and lightweight. Cooling can be activated by putting the solution in a fridge or freezer or cold water depending on the energy/cooling needed.
We need to be able to use it in clothing or apparel. At the moment we are already using a bio-based PCM technology that goes from liquid to solid at a fixed temperature and now are looking for something that can cover the blind spots we are facing with the technology we are using now.
Application domains
We are looking to make products with the technology which will have an estimated retail price between €45 - €250 per unit, so price is important but probably related to the amount (in grams) used to get the wanted effect. For more information you can check, who is a partner in our project.