The Automated Service Builder (ASB) is a platform and applications agnostic solutions to implement complex processing chains over globally distributed processing and data resources. ASB provides a low-coding solution to develop a data processing facility based on orchestrated workflows.

Users can define, configure and run algorithms embedded in workflows. ASB provides functions to register new processes, import and dockerize user defined algorithms. Moreover, it can graphically edit workflow definitions, executing processors with user-defined parameters, and access the results either through a product catalogue or an FTP server.
ASB has implemented a customizable ontology-based mechanism that verifies the consistency of the data flow between processes. Only compatible process parameters may be connected to pass data within workflows. Unconnected input parameters are treated as user defined inputs for which a web-based interactive interface is automatically generated. ASB’s Generic Flexible Orchestration means that processor tasks are orchestrated by the workflow engine independent of the location of the actual executable files and independent of the underlying programming languages and related technologies. User algorithms are packaged, deployed and executed on user-selected platforms which can be where the data is located.
Algorithm developers and software specialists benefit from ASB’s Process Import Tool that ingests user’s own algorithms and libraries to be included in the ASB knowledge base. Imported algorithms can be used by other users providing a platform to co-develop algorithms for faster development cycles, easy substitution of modules in processing chains for comparative studies and scalability at processing platform and algorithm levels. ASB is offered as a service, implemented by Space Applications Services or as a product to develop a processing facility supported by Space Applications Services.
For more information on platform itself, please visit the Space Applications website
- Developer: Space Applications