Technology need
Summary of the technological need
A technology that predicts and detects waves that might have an impact on the safety and workability of ships and structures in marine environments.
Waves play a major role during most offshore operations at sea.
Sea waves behave in an irregular and unpredictable way. Some waves occasionally exceed certain operational limits. Only we cannot predict when those waves occur.
The requester is searching for a system / technology that predicts real time the actual time trace and height of waves approaching the ship / floater. This will gain the workability and increase safety .
Currently the requested company are using a system that informs them when heavy waves are coming. The time span to guarantee safety is rather limited to 3 secs. Ideally a couple of minutes prediction timeframe are achieved.
Application domains
(1) The system will be used at the operation site
(2) Accurate info – within minutes – especially enduring heavy
rain, mist and heavy wind.
(3) Real time